Jump Station
[Bike Week, 2007] [Bike Week, 2008] [The Bunkhouse and Our Facilities] [Bike Week, 2009] [Holiday Party and Annual Meeting, 2009]
{If you can identify anyone in any photo please send me a note with the name and photo number} |
August 5, 2007
307. Bob "Snapshot" Frazee with his
Sunday, August 2nd
"Defending Your Client's Use of Deadly Force" (2 hrs)
"How to Collect Your Attorney's Fees From Your Client and Stay Out of Trouble"
"ADR Techniques - or "Why Can't You See Things My Way"
6:00 p.m. Western Steak Cookout
"Law of Piracy - From Ancient Times to Somalia"
Tuesday, August 4th
"Class Actions for 'Knuckleheads' - the Nuts and Bolts of Class Action Practice (2 hr)
"Beyond Gender Neutral - Eliminating Bias & Non-Inclusive Legal Language" (1.5 hrs)
"Regulation & On-Line Media for Business Clients - an E-Commerce Primer"
"Civil Commitment of Sexually Dangerous Persons,
"Marriage Dissolution from Beginning to End"
"Getting Your Thoughts into the Jury's Mind -
(Editor's note, 21 September 2010: This page is still under construction so come back again.)
For more information about my travels write to
Custer State Park
Black Hills, SD
Thirteenth Annual Black Hills Motor Classic
Continuing Legal Education Seminar
August 5 - 9, 2007
Bike WeekCourse Outline
Dan "Robo" Greenstein, Esq.
Greene & Greenstein
Minnetonka, MN
"Attacking and Losing the Homestead Exemption"
Gary "G-Man" Pihlstrom, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
August 6, 2007
"Self-Help Repossessions"
Christine A. Gimber, Esq.
Weld, Riley, Prenn & Ricci, SC
Eau Claire, WI
"RICO and Bikers"
Stephen R. O'Brien, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
August 7, 2007
"Local Motorcycle Noise Ordinances – Decibels to Dollars"
Thomas P. Wilson, Esq.
Denver, Colorado &
M. Kevin “Stones” Snell, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
"The Fourth Amendment and the U.S. Supreme Court"
David Downes, Esq.
Front Royal, Virginia
August 8, 2007
"Stopped by the Cops"
(Current Issues with and Arguing Traffic Stop cases)
Steve "Deacon" Cobb
Deputy U.S. Marshall (Ret.)
Minneapolis, MN, and
M. Kevin “Stones” Snell, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
200. "The Fourth Amendment and the U.S. Supreme Court"
David Downes, Esq.
Front Royal, Virginia
203. Parrel Caplan, Ross "Nails" Kramer & Tom "Lefty" Clark
...., Jerry Davis and Russ "Loophole" Myhre
205.Break between Classes.
209. Helen and Rick "Goat" Schroeder
212. G-Man, Robo, Parrel
Ross Kramer
217. Steve "Deacon" Cobb, David Downes,
John "10,000" Miller
219. Tom "Lefty" Clark, Parrel Caplan, Kevin "Stones" Snell,
Jerry Davis, Dan "Robo" Greenstein
Mark "Stogie" Greene
223. The Dooley Memorial Ride
228. Remember
John "Road Ranger" Dooley.
229. John "10,000" Miller, USAF
Purple Heart, Vietnam
230. Mark "Stogie" GreeneHill City Scenes
231. Hill City
232. Keeping in touch with the office.
233."Stogie", Leslie, "Robo" & G-Man
234. Mark "Stogie" Greene, Ross Kramer,
Dan "Robo" Greenstein, and Parrel CaplanMonday Night Cookout
235. Monday night chuck wagon
cook-out before class
237. Al Gore
245. Mark "Stogie" and Leslie Greene
247. Back in class.
249. Dan "Robo" Greenstein, Mark "Stogie" Greene,
& Parrel Caplan
250. Steve "Deacon" Cobb & ....
253. A ride on the Needles Highway.
261. We visited our old base camp,
"Horsethief Campgrounds"
252. Dan "Robo" Greenstein, ..., Leslie Greene, Gary "G-Man" Pilstrom
Jerry "Rocket" Hendrickson, and Mark "Stogie" Greene
267. Kevin "Stones" Snell & Ross "Nails" Kramer
270.Custer State Park
Black Hills, SD
Bike Week, August, 2008
Fourteenth Annual Black Hills
Motor Classic
Continuing Legal Education SeminarCourse Outline:
Mark "Stogie" Greene, Esq.,
Bernick, Lifson, Greenstein, Greene & Liszt, P.A.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
"Fence Sitters (not politicians), Conservation & Habitat Easements"
Bob "Cowboy" Lange, Esq.,
Bloomington, Minnesota
Monday August 4, 2008
"Too Much Torque? The Role of Market Power in Antitrust and Competition Laws"
Susan Hayes Stephan, Esq.,
Professor, Hamline University School of Law,
St. Paul, Minnesota
"Ob` jects in Your Path: Dealing with Objections in Taking and Defending Depositions"
Susan Hayes Stephan,
Professor, Hamline University School of Law,
St. Paul, Minnesota
Western Steak Cookout on the patio at the Creekside Lodge
"The Law of Scotch Whiskey"
Kevin "Stones" Snell, Esq.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Tuesday August 5, 2008
"Negligent Credentialing in Health Care"
Robert M. "Belli" Frazee, Esq., (Ret.)
Meagher & Geer, PLLP
Minneapolis, Minnesota
"Administrative Law - Contested case proceedings before the Office of Administrative Hearings"
Kevin "Stones" Snell, Esq.,
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Wednesday August 6, 2008
"The Limits of the Second Amendment after District of Columbia v. Heller"
Jim "Smoke" Fleming,
St. Cloud, Minnesota
"Discovery Motions and Sanctions after Dunham v. Opperman"
Gary "G-Man" Pihlstrom, Esq.,
Minneapolis, Minnesota
300. "Negligent Credentialing in Health Care"
Bob "Snapshot" Frazee, Esq. (Ret.)
Meagher & Geer, PLLP
Minneapolis, Minnesota
301. Bob "Snapshot" Frazee
Goldwing and "luggage wagon".Sturgis Street Scenes
Bike week wouldn't be complete
if we didn't ride into Sturgis
to see the sights.
A tatoo for every taste.Our Facilities
The Lodge was the summer White House for
President Calvin Coolage and
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
The Lodge with "The Porch" in the front.
The new classroom facilities with
patio for outdoor classes and the Cookout
"The Bunkhouse" lies in a secluded area
and is home to the privileged select few.
Some have called it the
"smelly, stinky Bunkhouse"
but to us its a cozy cottage.
A small creek separates the Bunkhouse
from "The Lodge" - just across a short bridge...
A funny thing kept me from getting
to class this morning.
Back to Classes
310. Ross "Nails" Kramer
313. Doug & Chris McCollum
313. Loophole, Sideshow & Lefty
314. Monday night's Chuck Wagon dinner provides
an opportunity to socialize before class.
319. Doug & Chris McCollum
320. Mark & Leslie Greene
322. Ross Kramer & Mark "Stogie" Greene
325. Leslie Green, Doug & Chris McCollum,
and Kevin "Stones" Snell
326. Bob "Belli" Frazee, Russ "Loophole" Myhre
and Bob "Sideshow" Snyder
327. Kurt "Papa" Berg, his father, &
Bob "Cowboy" Lange
Evening Class
328. "The Law of Scotch Whiskey"
Kevin "Stones" Snell, Esq.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
329. The Next day we are back in class.
330. "Fence Sitters (not politicians), Conservation & Habitat Easements"
Bob "Cowboy" Lange, Esq., Bloomington, Minnesota
331. Kevin "Stones" Snell, Dan "Robo" Greenstein
& Ross Kramer
332. Gary "G-Man" Pihlstrom & Kevin "Papa" Berg
333. Ross Kramer and Mark "Stogie" Greene
334. Jim "Smoke" Fleming, and Bob "Cowboy" Lange
337. Russ "Loophole" Myhre, Kevin "Stones" Snell
& Dan "Robo" Greenstein
338. Bob "Cowboy" Lange, Tom "Arkansaw" Grimshied
and Jerry Schlumpenberg.
339. Jim "Smoke" Fleming, and Bob "Cowboy" Lange
340. Kevin "Stones" Snell & Dan "Robo" Greenstein
341. Mark "Stokie" Greene, who lectured earlier
on the law of adverse possession, emphasizes a point
made by Bob "Cowboy" Lange in his presentation
342. "Discovery Motions and Sanctions after Dunham v. Opperman"
Gary "G-Man" Pihlstrom, Esq.,
Minneapolis, Minnesota
343. Tom "Lefty" Clark, Jim "Smoke" Fleming
and Bob "Cowboy" Lange
344. "Administrative Law - Contested case proceedings
before the Office of Administrative Hearings"
Kevin "Stones" Snell, Esq.,
Minneapolis, Minnesota
345. "This Land is My Land" – A Primer on Adverse Possession and Practical Location"
Mark "Stogie" Greene, Esq.,
Bernick, Lifson, Greenstein, Greene & Liszt, P.A.
Minneapolis, Minnesota
346. Loophole, Sideshow & Lefty Custer State Park
Black Hills, SD
Bike Week, August, 2009
Fifteenth Annual Black Hills
Motor Classic
Continuing Legal Education SeminarCourse Outline
James "Smoke" Fleming, Esq
St. Cloud, MN
Jon "Hawkeye" Hawks, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
Thomas "Arkansaw" Germscheid, Esq.
Maplewood, MN
Phil Moosebrugger, Esq.
St. Paul, MN
M. Kevin "Stones" Snell, Esq.
North St. Paul, MN
Elizabeth A. Grande, Esq.
Keith A. Pieper, Esq.
Roger L. Bauser
Analytics Inc
Chanhassen, MN
Susan Hayes Stephan, Esq.
Professor, Hamline University School of Law
St. Paul, MN
Susan Hayes Stephan, Esq.
Professor, Hamline University School of Law
St. Paul, MNMonday Night Cookout
350. Al Gore
352. ..., Jon "Hawkeye" Hawks & Bob "Cowboy" Lange
354. Hawkeye, Cowboy, & John Miller
364. Cowboy, Dead Skunk, & Loophole
365. Tom "Lefty" ClarkMonday Evening Class
"Law of Piracy - From Ancient Times to Somalia"
M. Kevin "Stones" Snell, Esq.
North St. Paul, MN
367. Russ "Loophole" Myhre, Tom "Lefty" Clark
and Bob "Cowboy" LangeAnnual Meeting
Holiday Dinner
Jax Cafe
December, 2009
370. Glenn "Guido" Purdue, Malcolm "Brady" Terry,
Kevin "Stones" Snell, and Jim "Smoke" Fleming
371. Glenn "Guido" Purdue, Kevin "Stones" Snell"
and Jim "Smoke" Fleming
372. Glenn "Guido" Purdue, Chris "Klondike" Brown, ...,
Bob "Belli" Frazee, Kevin "Stones" Snell,
and Jim "Smoke" Fleming
373. Bob "Cowboy" Lange, Tom "Lefty" Clark,
Jim "Smoke" Fleming, and Berrie "Dead Skunk" Schumack
374. Jon "Hawkeye" Hawks, Chris "Klondike" Brown,
and ....
375. Sam and Kellie McCloud
379. Berrie "Dead Skunk" Schumack and Kurt "Papa" Berg
380. Glenn "Guido" Purdue
381. Malcolm "Brady" Terry &
Doug & Chris McCollum
382. Tom "Lefty" Clark & Bob "Cowboy" Lange
383. Kurt "Papa" Berg, Malcolm "Brady" Terry,
and Tom "Unc" Walgren
384. Kurt "Papa" Berg presides over
the annual meeting
385. Mark "Stogie" and Leslie Greene
Doug and Chris McCollum
386. Malcolm "Brady" Terry
387. ..., Jim "Smoke" Fleming
& Bob "Cowboy" LangeCuster State Park
Black Hills, SD
Sixteenth Annual Black Hills
Motor Classic
Continuing Legal Education Seminar
August 8 - 11, 2010Course Outline
Headed for Strugis
Bob "Belli" Frazee at the border
Bob "Belli" Frazee and Willy GAugust 8, 2010
Predatory Offender Registration and
Risk Level Appeals in Minnesota and North Dakota
Russ "Loophole" Myre, Esq
Fargo, ND, and
The Honorable M. Kevin "Stones" Snell, Esq.
St. Paul, MN
406. "Civil Commitment of Sexually Dangerous Persons,
Predatory Offender Registration and
Risk Level Appeals in Minnesota and North Dakota
Russ "Loophole" Myre, Esq
Fargo, ND, and
The Honorable M. Kevin "Stones" Snell, Esq.
St. Paul, MN
407. Russ "Loophole" Myre
400. Nadia Wood, Berrie "Dead Skunk" Schumack,
& Patricia J. Miller
401. Russ "Loophole" Myhre, Bob "Belli" Frazee
Kevin "Stones" Snell
402. Gary "G-Man Pihlstrom"
403. Course book
404. Nadia Wood, Kevin "Stones" Snell,
Berrie "Dead Skunk" Schumack, & Pat Miller
405. Nadia Wood, Berrie "Dead Skunk" Schumack,
Pat Miller and Gary "G-Man" Pihlstrom
408. Jerry Davis and Tom "Lefty" Clark
409. Nadia Wood & Berrie "Dead Skunk" Schumack
410. Tom "Lefty" Clark
411. Kurt "Papa" Berg, Gary "G-Man" Pihlstrom
Dan "Robo" Greenstein
412. Pat Miller, Kurt "Papa" Berg
and Gary "G-Man" Pihlstrom
413."Looking for Redemption"
Mark "Stogie" Greene, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
"Looking for Redemption"
Mark "Stogie" Greene, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
415. We learn mortgage foreclosures
are not cheap or simple.
416. Jerry Davis, Russ "Loophole" Myhre,
& Pat Miller
418. Pat Miller, Dan "Robo" Greenstein,
Gary "G-Man" Pihlstrom, Kevin "Stones" Snell
419. Kevin "Stones" Snell, Kurt "Papa" Berg,
Berrie "Dead Skunk" Schumack &
Mark "Stogie" Greene
420. Dan "Robo" Greenstein, Gary "G-Man" Pihlstrom,
Kevin "Stones" Snell & Kurt "Papa" Berg
421.August 9, 2010
Kurtis "Papa" Berg, Esq.
Maplewood, Mn and
Tom "Lefty" Lee, Esq.
Roseville, MN
"Marriage Dissolution from Beginning to End"
Kurtis "Papa" Berg, Esq.
Maplewood, Mn and
Tom "Lefty" Lee, Esq.
Roseville, MN
424. Berrie "Dead Skunk" Schumack and Pat Miller
425. Bob "Belli" Frazee, Kurt "Papa" Berg,
and Tom "Lefty" Clark
426. "Bucky" Zimmerman
427. Mark "Stogie" Greene & Jerry Davis
428. Kurt "Papa" Berg & Tom "Lefty" Clark
share stories about difficult clients.
432. Bob "Belli" Frazee and Russ "Loophole" Myhre
434. Bob "Belli" Frazee, Russ "Loophole" Myhre,
Kurt "Papa" Berg & Tom "Lefty" Clark
436. Kurt "Papa" Berg & Tom "Lefty" Clark
437. Mark "Stogie" Green & Jerry Davis
438Monday Night Chuck Wagon Dinner
440. Kevin "Stones" Snell checks
out the cook wagon.
442. Tom "Left" Clark
443. Jerry Davis
444. Bob "Belli" Frazee, Tom "Lefty Clark
and Jerry Davis
445. ... and Gary "G-Man" Pihlstrom
445. ..., Gary "G-Man" Pihlstrom & John Miller
446. Russ "Loophole" Myhre
451. "Bucky" Zimmerman & Bob "Belli" Frazee
453. Mark "Stogie" Greene, Leslie Greene,
Dan "Robo" Greenstein
454. Jerry Davis, Nadia Wood,
Mark "Stogie" and Leslie Greene
Jerry Davis & Nadia Wood
456. "Bucky" Zimmerman
459. Barrie "Dead Skunk" Schumack, Bob "Sideshow" Snyder
& John Miller
460. Doug & Chris McCollum
461. Steve "Deacon" Cobb
462. Kevin "Stones" Snell & Mark "Stogie" Greene
464. "Bucky" Zimmerman,
& Nadia WoodScenes From Sturgis - Beards!
465. Steven "Deacon" Cobb
466. USMC
467. These two visit the same hare dresser.
468"The Law of Tequila"
Barrie "Dead Skunk" Schumack, Esq.
Eagan, MN
"The Law of Tequila"
Barrie "Dead Skunk" Schumack, Esq.
Eagan, MN
470. So your thought all Tequila
was the same?
The making and brands of Tequila
are protected by international treaty.
487. Like fine wine or a good cigar
the only way to
appreciate the difference ...
488. ... is to taste and compare
the different brands.
478. "Bucky" Zimmerman is preparing for
tomorrow's lecture and doesn't have
time for such frivolities.
481. Always the Gentleman, "Bucky"
pours for the "Ladies".
493. Dan "Robo" Greenstein chooses his favorite
490. Gary "G-Man" Pihlstrom
Taste the difference
492. Doug & Chris McCollumAugust 10, 2010
"Mass Torts in the Gulf of Mexico:
A Preview of the case of British Petroleum"
Charles "Bucky" Zimmerman, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN, and
Elizabeth A. Grande, Esq.
Chanhassen, MN
"Mass Torts in the Gulf of Mexico:
A Preview of the case of British Petroleum"
Charles "Bucky" Zimmerman, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN, and
Elizabeth A. Grande, Esq.
Chanhassen, MN
497. Russ "Loophole" Myhre &
Barrie "Dead Skunk" Schumack
498. Barrie "Dead Skunk" Schumack
499. Pat Miller & Nadia Wood
500. "Bucky" Zimmerman asks the ultimate question:
Will PB be able to make good?
Will not BP be able to make good?
Can BP make good?
Can not make good?
501. Russ "Loophole" Myhre & Jerry Davis
502. Gary "G-Man" Pihlstrom
503. Barrie "Dead Skunk" Schumack, Kevin "Stones" Snell
and Pat Miller
507. Dead Skunk
August 11, 2010
"Impact of the New Privacy Regulations on
Your Practice and Your Business Clients"
Jim "Creature" Perullo, Esq.
Boston, MA
Issues with Verbal Communication"
Jim "Creature" Perullo, Esq.
Boston, MA
509. Jim "Creature" Perullo
510. "Impact of the New Privacy Regulations on
Your Practice and Your Business Clients"
Jim "Creature" Perullo, Esq.
Boston, MA
511. Tom "Lefty" Clark & "Bucky" Zimmerman
512. Dead Skunk and Kevin Snell
513. Loophole and Dead Skunk
514. Patty Miller & Kurt "Papa" Berg
515. Dead Skunk, Kevin Snell and Patty MillerMore to Come
2008 is still under construction. More pictures to be added.