Jump Station
[Bike Week, 1997] [Bike Week, 1999] [Bike Week, 2000] [Bike Week, 2002][Mississippi Ride, 2004] [Bike Week, 2004] [Bike Week, 2005] [Bike Week, 2006]
[Street Legal Activities: 2012][Street Legal Motorcycle Club Events]
{If you can identify anyone in any photo please send me a note with the name and photo number} |
August 4, 1997
Labor Disputes - Private and Public Sectors (a.m. seminar)
August 5, 1997
Ethics: Effect of Retroactive Revocation of Law Degree (a.m. seminar)
August 6, 1997
Software Licensing (p.m. seminar)
August 7, 1997
Pre-Litigation Issues under the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act (a.m. seminar)
"Stopped by the Cops" Current Issues in Searches and Seizures (Monday p.m.)
August 11, 1999
"The Evolutionary Way to Resolve Disputes in the New Millennium: Arbitration is Here to Stay" (Wed a.m)
August 12, 1999
"Ethics Rules - The Why of It" (Thurs a.m.)
"Arcane Employment Law Statutes (Thurs p.m)
"Longarm Jurisdiction Arising From Use of the Internet" (Monday a.m.)
August 8, 2000
"Real Estate Transactions on Indian Lands" (Tues a.m.)
"Stopped by the INS Cops, Current Issues in Searches and Seizures" (Tues p.m.)
"Requirements for Expert Witness Affidavits in Medical Malpractice Cases" (Wed a.m.)
Robert M. Frazee, Esq.
"International E-Commerce Disputes and their Resolution Through Arbitration" (Wed p.m.)
August 10, 2000
"International Legal Ethics" (Thurs a.m.)
"Elimination of Bias in the Legal Profession" (Thur p.m.)
Current E-Commerce Issues (Wed p.m.)
Title Examination & Title Insurance (Thurs p.m.)
"Dooley", one of the founders of the Street Legal Motorcycle Club and
"Federal Department of Transportation Drug and Alcohol Testing Regulations" (Mon p.m.)
"Securities Litigation & Arbitration Primer" (Mon p.m)
Dan "Robo" Greenbstein, Tom "Lefty" Clark
(Editor's note, 15 November 2010: This page is still under construction so come back again.)
For more information about my travels write to
"The Dangerous World of Advertising" (Mon a.m.)
"Demystifying Appellate Advocacy" (Mon p.m.)
August 8, 2001
"INTERNATIONAL LAW – Albanian Courts & Government" (Wed a.m.)
"More on International Legal Ethics" (Wed p.m.)
August 9, 2001
NO FAULT AUTO – Confessions of a Former Claims Adjuster (Thurs p.m.)
Horse Thief Resort
Third Annual Black Hills Motor Classic
Continuing Legal Education Seminar
Black Hills, SD
Bike Week, August, 1997Course Outline
Economic Testimony (direct and cross of economists) (p.m. seminar)
Horseplay or Harassment? - Same Gender Sexual Harassment Under Title VII (p.m. seminar)
Lobbying State Legislatures in the 1990s (p.m. seminar)
1. Kevin "Stones" Snell Horse Thief Resort
Black Hills, SD
Fifth Annual Black Hills Motor Classic
Continuing Legal Education Seminar
Bike Week, August, 1999Course Outline
August 9, 1999
The Honorable Mary Davidson,
Judge of Fourth Judicial Court
Minneapolis, MN
(Judge Davidson is the granddaughter of Harley-Davidson founder Arthur Davidson)
Professor Richard "Ditch" Oakes, Esq.
Hamline Univ. Law School
St. Paul, MN, and
Steve "Gunner" Cobb
Deputy U.S. Marshall (Ret.)
Minneapolis, MN
Professor Roger Haydock, Esq.
William Mitchell College of Law
St. Paul, MN
M. Kevin "Stones" Snell
Minneapolis, MN (Wednesday P.M.)
Prof. Richard "Ditch" Oakes, Esq.
Hamline Univ. Law School
St. Paul, MN
(aka "Some Things that Theyu Don't Teach in Law School")
M. Kevin "Stones" Snell
Minneapolis, MN
13. Bob Frazee with his Honda Goldwing - a bike is a bike
2. A CLE guest speaker, the Honorable Mary Davison, Judge of the 4th Judicial District Court, Minneapolis, MN.
3. Judge Davison, whose grandfather founded Harley Davison Motorcycle Company, being open minded, takes a ride on a Honda Goldwing driven by Bob Frazee
4. Judge Davison gives a CLE lecture on the new "Rules for Marriage Dissolution" being implemented in the 4th Judicial District.
5. Dan "Robo" Greenstein, and Chris "Klondike" Brown
6. Dan "Robo" Greenstein, Jon "Hawkeye" Hawks, and Ross Kramer
7. Chris "Klondike" Brown and Jon "Hawkeye" Hawks
8. Dick "Ditch" Oaks, Judge Davison, Aaron "Slider" (aka "Diesel") Rose, and Kevin "Stones" Snell
9. Professor Dick "Ditch" Oaks, Hamline University Law School, and Steve "Decon" Cobb, retired U.S. Marshall, give
a CLE course on "Your Rights and Responsibilities When Stopped for a Traffic Violation While Riding Your Bike." A great seminar on the rights of the police to search your bike.
14. The kitchen crew.
15. Steve "Deacon" Cobb
19. Jerry Davis and .....
20. Roger "Spacer" Alderson
21. Roger "Spacer" Alderson" and Jon "Hawkeye" Hawks
22. Kevin "Stones" Snell and Bob "Snapshot" Frazee
23. Kevin "Stones" Snell, Steven "Deacon" Cobb, and Professor Dick "Ditch" Oaks.
24. "Stones", "Decon" and "Ditch"
26. We had community dinners at night for everyone. The cooks worked hard getting a dinner ready for as many at 25 - 30 people.
27. Mary Kay Hawks and . . .
28. Dick "Ditch" Oaks and Mary Kay Hawks
29. Barty Wold and .....
31. After dinner everyone waited on the
porch for the evening CLE class to begin.
33. The original "bunk house", a large common bedroom in the Lodge.
34.Horse Thief Resort
Black Hills, SD
Sixth Annual Black Hills Motor Classic
Continuing Legal Education Seminar
Bike Week
August 7 - 10, 2000
Course Outline
August 7, 2000
Professor Jerry Davis, Esq.
Dean of the University of North Dakota Law School
Adam Altman, Esq.
Assistant City Attorney
Rapid City, S.D.
former Tribal Counsel for the Objibwe Tribe
Milaca, MN
Victor Smith, Esq.
Walker, MN
Professor Richard "Ditch" Oakes, Esq.
Hamline Univ. Law School
St. Paul, MN and
Steve "Gunner" Cobb
Deputy U.S. Marshall (Ret.)
Minneapolis, MN
Meagher & Geer, PLLP
Minneapolis, MN
Professor Roger Haydock, Esp.
William Mitchell College of Law
St. Paul, MN
Prof. Richard "Ditch" Oakes, Esq.
Hamline Univ. Law School
St. Paul, MN
Jon "Hawkeye" Hawks, Esq.
Edina, MN
35. Steve "Deacon" Cobb, ..., Glenn Purdue
37. John "Road Ranger" Dooley
38. Judy Sievers, Sandy Neren and Professor Jerry Davis
39. Jon "Hawkeye" Hawks
40. Milo, Stone's Barber, and Bob "Snapshot" Frazee; cigars on the porch
42. After the morning CLE class we frequently rode
"The wildlife loop" in Custer State Park.
But first we needed to buy a weekly pass.
46. A favorite rogue buffalo, nicknamed "Al Gore",
was a terror of the range in his younger days.
48. Iron Mountain Road on the way to Mt Rushmore.
50. .... Bob "Snapshot" Frazee and friend Peter Flesvig
51. Jeanie Blatz, Peter Flesvig, Jerry "Rocket" Hendrickson, and Danny "Robo" Greenstein
52. Ross Kramer, Bob "Snapshot" Frazee, and Dick "Ditch" Oaks. Custer State Park
Eighth Annual Black Hills Motor Classic
Continuing Legal Education Seminar
Bike Week, August 5 - 8, 2002
Black Hills, SD
Course Outline
August 5th
Expert Witnesses - Their Care and Handling (Mon a.m.)
Jeffrey A. Hanson, Esq.
Rochester, MN
Search & Seizure, Traffic Stops & Discrimination (Mon p.m.)
The Honorable Gordon "Log" Shumaker,
Justice of Minnesota Court of Appeals
St. Paul, MN,and
Neil Melton, Executive Director
MN Peace Officer Standards & Training Board
August 6th
Ethics & Conflicts of Interest for Mediators and Arbitrators (Tue a.m.)
John "Road Ranger" Dooley, Esq.
Counsel, Minnesota Association of Townships
Lakeland, MN
Less than you should but more than you really want
to know about the Federal Privacy and Security regulations
governing Individually Identifiable Health Information (Tues p.m)
M. Kevin "Stones" Snell, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
August 7th
Condominium, Townhouse, and PUD Governance (Wed a.m.)
Dan Greenstein, Esq.
Greene & Greenstein
Minnetonka, MN
Covenants Not to Compete and Other Employment Contract Issues (Wed p.m.)
Malcolm "Brady" Terry, Esq.
Messerli & Kramer
Minneapolis, MN
The Plaintiffs' Lawyer's Perspective
Michael Dady, Esq.
Dady & Garner, P.A.
Minneapolis, MN
53. John "Road Ranger" Dooley had a mishap
on the first day of the rally and spent
the week in the hospital.
54. A ride along the Wildlife Loop.
55. Glenn Purdue surveys the Buffalo herd
57. Kevin "Stones" Snell's bike - my dream bike.
58. CLE classes were held in the "School house" were we
start each morning with a buffet breakfast.
59. Jerry Davis, and ...., ...., & Neil Melton.
60. Seated: Keven "Stones" Snell and Glenn "Guido" Purdue
61. Seated (L-R): Kevin "Stones" Snell, Glenn Purdue and ....., ......
62. Seated: Rick "Goat" Schroader and Bob Frazee
Standing: Kevin "Stones" Snell and Jerry Davis
63. The Game Keeper's Cabin slept about 25 people.
64. One of the bed rooms in the Game Keeper's Cabin.
65. The New Bunk House was to become a favorite of the bachelors for many years.On July 2nd, 2004 Street Legal rode along the Mississippi
to Wabasha to watch the paddle boats sailing from St. Louis, MO,
to St. Paul in celebration of Minnesota's 150th birthday.
August 9, 2004
The Patriot Act vs. The Fourth Amendment (Monday a.m.)
Jeannie Blatz, Esq.
Assistant Public Defender, Fifth Judicial District
Blue Earth County
Mankato, MN
HIPAA - final Federal patient Security & Privacy Regulations (Monday p.m.)
Jan "Weenie Bite Queen" Krause, Esq.
St. Paul, MN and
Kevin "Stones" Snell, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
August 10, 2004
Ethics & Elimination of Bias (Tues a.m.)
John "Road Ranger" Dooley, Esq.
Counsel, Minnesota Association of Townships
St. Michael, MN &
Jon "Hawkeye" Hawks, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
Workers' Compensation - How it Works (Tue p.m.)
Thomas "Arkansaw" Germscheid, Esq.
Oakdale, MN and
The Honorable Ray "Picker" Krause
Chief Administrative Law Judge for the State of Minnesota
August 11, 2004
Landlords and Tenants, Rights & Responsibilities (Wed a.m.)
Kurtis "Papa" Berg, Esq.
St. Paul, MN
Pat Horan, Esq.
St. Paul, MN
Henry L. Perla, Esq.
Orlando, Florida
Frank Barger, Esq.
Stearns County Abstract Company
Big Lake, MN
80. Our new location, The Lodge at Custer State Park
Presidents Coolage and Eisenhower used this as their
summer White House.
82. Tom "Arkansaw" Grimscheid and "Bucky" Zimmerman
83. Kurt "Papa" Berg & Kevin "Stones" Snell
84. Kevin "Stones" Snell
85. Kevin "Stones" Snell
85. Even Santa comes to our meetings
86. Kurt "Papa" Berg
88. ..., ..., Bob "Belli" Frazee,
Kurt "Papa" Berg, and Tom "Arkansaw" Grimsheid
90. Dan "Robo" Greenstein
91. Mark "Stogie" Greene
92. Pat "Pocahontas" Miller, and Gary "G-Man" Pilhstrom
93. Kevin "Stones" Snell, Russ "Loophole" Myhre
and Tom "Arkensaw" Grimshied
94. Kevin "Papa" Berg, ..., & ...
95. Leslie Greene, "Bucky" Zimmerman, &
Bob "Sideshow" Snyder
96. Ross Kramer, Parrel Caplan, & Leslie Greene
97. Sue "Left Behind" Clark, Tom "Lefty" Clark, & Rick "Goat" Schroader...
98. ..., Tom "Unc" Walgren, Sue "Left Behind" Clark,
& Tom "Lefty" Miller
Custer State Park
Black Hills, SD
Bike Week, August, 2005
Eleventh Annual Black Hills
Motor Classic
Continuing Legal Education Seminar
August 8 - 11, 2005
an organizer of the CLE program held during Bike Week in Sturgis, died in a motorcycle
accident in August, 2004, while riding his Harley through the Black Hills.
Course Schedule
August 8, 2005
"The New Rules of Professional Responsibility" (Mon a.m.)
Glenn Purdue, Esq.
Purdue & Aswumb
Bloomington, MN
Chris "Klondike" Brown
Airline Pilots Association
Bloomington, MN
Gary "G-Man" Pilhstrom, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
"New Child Custody Guidelines" (Tue p.m.)
Kurtis "Papa" Berg, Esq.
St. Paul, MN
Tuesday P.M.
August 10, 2005
"Personal Injury - Motorcycle Accident Cases, Special Considerations" (Wed a.m.)
Stephen R. O'Brien
Minneapolis, MN
"Mass Torts - The Present & Future of Class Actions" (Wed p.m.)
Charles "Bucky" Zimmerman
Zimmerman & Reed
Minneapolis, MN
Thursday August 11, 2005
"Ethical and Risk Management Issues in the E-Mail Era" (Thur a.m.)
Mark "Reaper" Privratsky
Lindquist & Vennum, and
Kevin "Stones" Snell, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
"Tort Reform - Eroding the Value of Life" (Thur p.m.)
Mike "Wags" Wagner, Esq.
Menominee, WI
Friday August 12, 2005
"Workers' Compensation - Current Issues & Perspectives" (Fri a.m.)
Thomas Germscheid, Esq.
Maplewood, MN
102. A memorial service for "Dooley" to take place at the
scene of his accident was organized by the Street Legal MC
Club and the Saint Croix Valley Riders. Dooley was very
active in raising money for the MS Foundation. We
left from the school house.
104. Gary "G-Man" Pilhstrom, Mike "Wags" Wagner,
and Tom "Arkansaw" Grimscheid
105. Malcolm "Brady" Terry & Kevin "Stones" Snell
106. Sue "Left Behind" Clark, ..., & Tom "Unc" Walgren
107. Tom "Lefty" Clark, Bob " Sideshow" Snyder,
& .....
109. Ross Kramer & Mark "Stogie" Greene
116. A memorial wreath is placed
on the site by the
St. Croix Valley Riders
120. Dooley loved riding out here.
125. Ross Kramer, Bob "Sideshow" Snyder,
..., ..., & Malcolm "Brady" Terry
126. Roger "Mr. Fabulous" Haydock & Kevin "Stones" Snell
127. Leslie & Mark Greene
128. Gary "G-Man" Pilhstrom & Tom "Unc" Walgren
129. A group photo in front of the school house
during a break in the evening classes.Course Outline
August 7, 2006
"Everything You Should Know About Releases" (Mon a.m.)
Amy Kaldor Taylor, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
Chet Taylor, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
The Honorable Salvador Rosas,
Judge of District Court
First Judicial District
St. Paul, MN
The Tax Effects of the 2005 Bankruptcy Reform Act (Tue p.m.)
Matthew P. Crouch, Esq.
Riggs, Abney, Neal, Turpen, Orbison & Lewis, P.C.
Denver, CO
August 9, 2006
Construction Lending (Wed a.m.)
Mark "Stogie" Greene and Dan "Robo" Greenstein, Esq.,
Greene & Greenstein
Minnetonka, MN
Title Examination & Title Insurance (Wed p.m.)
Frank Barger, Esq.
Stearns County Abstract Company
Big Lake, MN
August 10, 2006
Understanding the Construction Contract (Thur a.m.)
Jon "Hawkeye" Hawks, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
Third Party Actions Arising from Work Injuries (Thurs p.m.)
Thomas "Arkansaw" Germscheid, Esq.
Maplewood, MN
August 11, 2006
Personal Injury - Motorcycle Accident Cases, Special Considerations (Fri a.m.)
Stephen R. O'Brien, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
129. Kevin "Stones" Snell, ..., & Gary "G-Man Pilhstrom
standing: ...., & Jerry Davis
130. Representing the Minority Client
The Honorable Salvador Rosas,
Judge of District Court
First Judicial District
St. Paul, MN
131. "Bucky" Zimmerman & Ross Kramer
134. Kevin "Stones" Snell, ...,
Gary "G-Man" Pilhstrom, & Mark "Stogie" Greene
135. Ross Kramer (USAF)
Awarded Silver Star
in Vietnam
136. Ross Kramer
We gathered for another ride to
remember "Road Ranger" Dooley.
137. Kurt "Papa" Berg, Tom "Lefty" Clark,
Salvadore Rosas, Malcolm "Brady" Terry,
& Kevin "Stones" Snell
138. Tom "Lefty" Clark, Kurt "Papa" Berg,
the Honorable Salvador Rosas, and Kevin "Stones" Snell
140. In the evening we meet "on the porch"
and discuss issues brought up in the classes.
& Bob "Sideshow" Snyder
144. Doug & Chris McCollum
checking out their new camera
145. Malcolm "Brady" Terry, "Bucky" Zimmerman,
& Aaron "Slider" aka "Diesel" Rose
146. Without failing, we are in Class
early the next morning.
149. "Everything You Should Know About Releases"
Amy Kaldor Taylor, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
150. Kevin "Stones" Snell & Ross "Nails" KramerRiding the Wildlife Loop
151. An favorite early morning ride, before
breakfast and classes, is the wild life loop.
153. Kevin "Stones" Snell
154. Kevin "Stones" Snell, ..., Aaron "Slider"
aka "Diesel" Rose & Kurt "Papa" Berg
155. Bob "Snapshot" Frazee, Aaron "Slider" aka "Diesel",
Kurt "Papa" Berg, and ....
156. Always checking in with the office.
157. A shooting caused all roads in and out
of the Park to be closed for a day while police
conducted a search for the suspect.
158. A Chuck Wagon Cookout is a
tradition on Monday night before class.
159..., Chris McCollum, ...., and ....
160. Malcom "Brady" Terry, Glenn "Guido" Purdue,
Ross "Nails" Kramer, Unknown Marine but a Marine,
Kevin "Stones" Snell, Bob "Snapshot" Frazee
and Tom "Lefty Clark"
161. Kevin "Stones" Snell & Malcolm "Brady" Terry
163. "Securities Litigation & Arbitration Primer"
Chet Taylor, Esq.
Minneapolis, MN
CLE Class after the Cook-Out.
166. [Photos of our members]
[Street Legal Activities: 2007 to 2010][Street Legal Activities: 2012]
[Street Legal Motorcycle Club Events]
Course Outlines
Steve "Slick" Bergerson, Esq.
Fredrikson & Byron
Minneapolis, MN
The Honorable Gordon "Log" Shumaker, Esq.
Judge, Minnesota Court of Appeals
St. Paul, MN
Jerry Hendrickson, Esq.
Assistant City Attorney
St. Paul, MN- Tuesday A.M.
Agri Verria, Albania, &
Professor Richard "Ditch" Oakes, Esq.
Hamline Univ. Law School
St. Paul
Professor Richard "Ditch" Oakes, Esq.
Hamline Univ. Law School
St. Paul, MN
Richard Schroeder, Esq.
Schroeder & Mandel
St. Paul, MN