Our 60th Class Reunion will take place
Saturday, 15 June 2019, in Bird Island
during the Island Day festivities. Join
us in the parade, at the city park, and
for dinner at Athmann's Inn.
Don Collins, Janet Anderson Lund, Gary Schwarzrock, Corrine Beckman Petersen
Dick Torin, Marian Anderson Sanders, Allan "Duffy" Petersen.
Back Row: Allen Petersen, Dick Toren, Gary Schwarzrock,
Sheldon Johnson, Roger Beckler,Don Collins, Bob Frazee
Front Row: Corrine Beckman , Janet Anderson , Connie Swenson,
Judy Schwatzkopf, Marian Anderson , Donna Greiner
By tradition we held a class reunion every five years. Because of a turn of events we did not have one in 2004.
At All School reunion in 2005 we decided to make up for it by having an "Odd Year Reunion" the next year, 2006.
Thus we held a 47th, Odd Year, Reunion on Saturday, June 24, 2006, at the Best Western Victorian Inn, Hutchinson, MN.
Judy Schwarzkoph and Allan Petersen
Gary Schwarzrock
Yvonne Dean and Donna Mae Greiner
Corrine Beckman and Gary Schwarzrock
Connie Swenson, Corrine Beckman and Don Collins
Marion Anderson, Janet Anderson,
Connie Swenson, Don Collins
Allan Petersen
Don Collins and Corrine Beckman
Dick Toren, Connie Swenson and Corrine Beckman
Don and Cheryl Collins
Judy Schwarzkopf, Allen Petersen,
Bob Frazee, Dick Toren
Donna Greiner and Doris Swanson
Second Row: Carol Robinson Johnson, Freya Foesch Tersteeg, Marion Anderson Sanders,
Connie Swenson Johnshoy, Sharon Flann Seehusen, Yvonne Dean Salter, Carol Wahlstrom Ninow
Third Row: Darlene Rasmussen Hanson, Sheldon Johnson, Ronald Nordin, Doris Swanson Jansen,
Gary Schwarzrock, Allan Petersen,Donald Collins, Robert Frazee
First Grade. Do you recognize anyone not identified?
1. Gary Marhlow
2. Jean Isrealson
3. Clayton Rudolf
4. Bob Frazee
5. Janet Anderson
6. ???
7. Donna Mae Greiner
8. Dick Toren
9. Joyce Johnson
10. Doris Swanson
11. Robert Swanson
12. Sheldon Johnson
13. Roy Anderson
Second Row: Karen Goetzman, Ardys Woolery, Carol Lee Robinson, Sheldon Johnson,
JoAnne Kurtz, Carol Fosland, Suzanne Vefald, Larry Dannewitz, Yvonne Dean, Miss Dickmeyer.
Third Row: Kenneth Bratch, Bob Frazee, Ellsworth Huls, Gary Mahlow, Lealand Anderson,
Sandra Groothuis, Janice Olson, Clayton Johnson, Richard Bratch, Donald Collins
Absent: Donald Peterson, Doris Swanson
3rd, 4th, & 5th Grades at Lake Lillian Elementary School
In addition there were many of classmates from the rural Lake Lillian area who attended one room
school houses until the seventh grade at which time they came to Bird Island.
For all of them it was a big transition to a "large school" system with all sorts of extra-curricular
activities like band, chorus, football and basketball teams, school paper, FAA, and school plays.
8th Grade at Lake Lillian Junior High School
Seocnd Row: Sally Faber, Sharon Flann, Janet Anderson, Judy Schwarzkopf, Marian Anderson,
Sally Olson, Doris Swanson, William Ringness.
Third Row: Sandra Groothuis, Connie Swenson, Delores Odell, Suzanne Vefald, Pat Siegreid,
Freya Foesch, Sheldon Johnson, Larry Dannewitz, Allan Pertersen, Ronald Harvey.
Fourth Row: Janice Olson, Darlene Rasmussen, Carol Lee Robinson, JoAnne Kurtz,
Yvonne Dean,Robert Frazee, Donald Collins, Clayton Johnson, Gary Schwarzrock,
Richard Toren, Carol Wallert, Ronald Nordin.
Second Row: Judy Schwarzkopf, Sharon Flann, Doris Swanson, Carl Wallert, Larry Dannewitz,
Sheldon Johnson, William Ringness, Freya Foesch, Carol Lee Robinson, Yvonne Dean.
Third Row: Sandra Groothuis, Allan Petersen, Ronald Nordin, Richard Toren, Robert Frazee,
Gary Schwarzrock, Janice Olson, Donald Collins, Darlene Rasmussen.
(Absent: Suzanne Vefald)
Second Row: Gloria Gulbrandson, Marian Andeson, Freya Foesch, Suzanne Vefald, Doris Swanson, Carol Lee Robinson, Janet Anderson
Third Row: Connie Swenson, JoAnne Kurtz, Yavonne Dean, Sharon Flann, Sheldon Johnson, Larry Dannewitz, Carl Wallert, Edmund Rham
Fourth Row: Darlene Rasmusson, Janice Olson, Allan Petersen, Richard Toren, Robert Frazee, Donald Collins, Ronald Nordin,
Gary Schwarzrock, William Ringness
Football Team
Homecoming Queen - Corrine Beckman
Basketball Team
Baseball Team
Track Team
Newspaper Staff
Belli at the Grand Titons, June 2015