55th Reunion - West High Class of 1960
16 August 2015
Edina, MN

20 August 2015 by Bob Frazee

Jump Station

50th Reunion of the Class of 1960

Fran Lenth's Home Page by Belli

Views from the Balcony

1. At the Welcome Table everyone was greeted.
Jeanne Palmer Baribeau and Dick Anfinson

2. Sue Moody Verrett, Bob Fundingsland,
Bob Sands, and Maripat Hagen Rawson

3. The bartender took care of everyone.

4. Guy Aufderheide and Ken Vowels

5. Darlene Auger Stensby, Lynne Alpert,
Sue Moody Verrett, and Fran Lenth Frazee

6. Bryn Mawr classmates,
Sue Moody Verrett and Fran Lenth Frazee

7. Ken Vowels and Bob Frazee

8. Ken Vowels with Fran Lenth and Bob Frazee

9. Spouses were known as "The Out-laws"
An appropriate designation for those
of us who are not "Cowboys".
Beverly Sands and Ken Vowels

10. Fran Lenth Frazee, Guy Aufderaheide,
Bob Fundingsland and Al Friedland

11. Holly Morehouse Vowels and Bill Jackson

12. Fran Lenth Frazee and Holly Morehouse Vowels
and Bill Jackson

15. Scene from balcony at Pinstripes

16. Maripat Hagen Rawson, Dick Anfinson,
Dennis Rankin and Darleen Larson Palmer

17. Sherry Carlstrom Dunham, Maripat Hagen Rawson,
Dick Anfinson, Dennis Rankin and Darleen Larson Palmer

18. Fran Lenth Frazee, Holly Morehouse Vowels
and Darleen Larson Palmer

19. Karen Schellbach Sollars and Don Sollars

20. Sharon Ress Eigenheer, Bob Sands,
Maripat Hagen Rawson and Bonnie Beaudreau Scott

21. Darlene Auger Stensby, Jeanne "Wiener" Palmer Baribeau,
Dennis Rankin and Tony Austin

22. Dianne Hermes Engstrom, Shari Denesen Redman,
Darlene Auger Stensby and Tony Austin

23. Sherry Carlstrom Dunham, Maripat Hagen Rawson,
Dick Anfinson, Dianne Hermes Engstrom
and Darlene Auger Stensby

24. Sherry Carlstrom Dunham and Maripat Hagen Rawson

25. Tony Austin, Darleen Larson Palmer
and Darlene Auger Stensby

26. Dennis Rankin and Tony Austin

27. Jack and Diane Wartnick

28. Holly Morehouse Vowels, Dianne Hermes Engstrom
and Sue Moody Verrett

29. Fran Lenth Frazee and Bonnie Beaudreau Scott

30. Tony Austin, Bob Sands and Bill Jackson

31. Bonnie Beaudreau Scott and Sharon Ress Eigenheer

32. Dianne Hermes Engstrom and Al Friedland

33. Ron Geiselhart and Sue Moody Verrett

34. Diane and Jack Wartnick with Lynne Alpert

35. Shari Denesen Redman, Darleen Larson Palmer
and Joanne Kennedy Mason

36. Holly Morehouse Vowels, Sherry Carlstrom Dunham,
Shari Denesen Redman, Darleen Larson Palmer
and Joanne Kennedy Mason

37. Odber "Poody" Standal

38. Darleen Larson Palmer, Karen Reamer Elbert
and Sharon Ress Eigenheer

39. Bill Hennemuth, Bob Sands, Sharon Hennemuth,
Bill Jackson, Les Halverson and Beverly Sands

40. Bill Hennemuth and Bob Sands

41. Bill Jackson and Les Halverson

42. Bob Fundingsland, Tony Austin
and Dennis Rankin

43. Bonnie Beaudreau Scott and Ron Geiselhart

44. Don and Karen Schellbach Sollars
with Dianne Hermes Engstrom

45. Sharon Ress Eigenheer, Guy Aufderheide
and "Poody" Standal

46. Guy Aufderheide and "Poody" Standal

47. Karen Reamer and Guy Aufderheide

48. Karen Reamer Elbert, Guy Aufderheide,
Sue Moody Verrett, "Poody" Standal
and Shari Denesen Redman

49. Karen Reamer Elbert and Guy Aufderheide

50. Allen Clutter and Holly Morehouse Vowels

51. Dick Anfinson and Fran Lenth Frazee

52. Jeanne "Wiener" Palmer Baribeau,
Joanne Kennedy Mason and Darleen Larson Palmer

53. "Poody" Standal, Karen Schellbach Sollars
and Dianne Hermes Engstrom

54. Jeanne "Wiener" Palmer Baribeau,
Nancy Characklis, Lynne Alpert
and Holly Morehouse Vowels

55. At the Greeting Table
Holly Morehouse Vowels and Fran Lenth Frazee

56. Darleen Larson Palmer, Barb Day
and Tony Austin

57. Tony Austin and Jack Wartnick

58. Bonnie Beaudreau Scott and Dick Anfinson

59. Holly Morehouse Vowels, Fran Lenth Frazee
and Les Halverson

60. Fran Lenth Frazee, Rick Elwell,
Sheila Thorpe Knox and Sherry Carlstrom Dunham

61. Fran Lenth Frazee, Bob Frazee,
Jane Larson Torras, Sheila Thorpe Knox
and Rick Elwell
In the background are
Karen Walsh Ekness and Gene Ekness

62. Rick Elwell, Sheila Thorpe Knox
and Fran Lenth Frazee

63. Rick Elwell, Jane Larson Torras
and Fran Lenth Frazee

64. Luis Torras and Fran Lenth Frazee

65. Bob Fundingsland and Carl Walsten

66. Fran Lenth Frazee and Luis Torras

67. Sandy Turnbull Bodner, Jane Larson Torras,
Jeanne "Wiener" Palmer Baribeau, Luis Torras
and Sherry Carlstrom Dunham

68. Carl Walsten and Sharon Ress Eigenheer

69. Shari Denesen Redman, Rick Elwell
and Sheila Thorpe Knox

70. Luis and Jane Larson Torras with
Bob Frazee and Fran Lenth Frazee

73. Luis Torras and Bob Frazee

74. Luis and Jane Larson Torras, with
Karen Reamer Elbert and Sandy Turnbull Bodner

75. Classmates just visiting

76. Sherry Carlstrom Dunham, Sheila Thorpe Knox
and Rick Elwell

77. Les Halverson and Darlene Auger Stensby

78. Rick Elwell and Luis Torras

79. Nancy Characklis, Robert Dwyer
and Tony Austin

80. Sandy Turnbull Bodner

81. Karen Walsh Eknes and Sherry Carlstrom Dunham

82. Shari Denesen Redman and Darleen Larson Palmer

83. Joanne Kennedy Mason and Lynne Alpert

84. Bob Sands, the Master of Ceremonies,
introduced the Keynote Speaker.

85. Bill Jackson, the Keynote Speaker

86. Bill Jackson, Gene Ekness
and Karen Walsh Ekness

87. Les Halverson, Jane Larson Torras,
Bill Jackson and Darlene Auger Stensby

88. Ron Geiselhart and Karen Reamer Elbert

89. Holly Morehouse Vowels and Tony Austin

90. "Poody" Standal and Al Friedland

91. Dave Rand and Dick Anfinson

92. Shari Denesen Redman and Darleen Larson Palmer

93. Karen Walsh Ekness, Sherry Carlstrom Dunham
and Karen Schellbach Sollars

94. Lynne Alpert and Barb Day

95. Robert Dwyer and Jane Larson Torras

96. Maripat Hagen Rawson and Dianne Hermes Engstrom

97. Bill and Sharon Hennemuth

98. Sue Moody Verrett and Fran Lenth Frazee

99. Dianne Hermes Engstrom and Robert Dwyer

100. Jack Wartnick, Maripat Hagen Rawson
and Al Friedland

101. Jack Wartnick and Maripat Hagen Rawson

102. Joanne Kennedy Mason, Jane Larson Torras,
Barb Day, Darlene Larson Palmer
and Shari Denesen Redman

103. Dianne Hermes Engstrom and Robert Dwyer,

104. Jerry Donovan and Sherry Carlstrom Dunham

105. Elaine Donovan, Sheila Thorpe Knox
and Karen Schellbach Sollars

106. Bill Jackson, Ron Geiselhart,
"Poody" Standal and Dave Rand

107. Tony Austin, Les Halverson
and Bill Hennemuth

108. Bob Fundingsland and Sharon Hennemuth

109. Bill Jackson, Ron Geiselhart,
Bonnie Beaudreau Scott and Dave Rand

110. Bob Sands and Diane Wartnick

111. Sherry Carlstrom Dunham with Elaine and Jerry Donovan

112. Fran Lenth Frazee, Jane Larson Torras
and Barb Day

115. Don Sollars, Luis Torras
and Ken Vowels

116. Beverly Sands, Karen Reamer Elbert,
Bonnie Beaudreau Scott, Nancy Characklis
and Sharon Ress Eigenheer

117. Jane Larson Torras, Sue Moody Verrett
and Fran Lenth Frazee

118 Bob Sands, Fran Lenth Frazee and Jack Wartnick



Jump Station

50th Reunion of the Class of 1960

Fran Lenth's Home Page by Belli

This page was created by Bob "Belli" Frazee

Bob at Grand Tetons, 2015
Belli at the Grand Titons, June 2015

If you have any questions, or corrections, just write to Belli.

Have a good day and come back again.