The Galapagos Islands - June, 2002

Map of the Galapagos Islands

Map of the Galapagos

Map of the Millennium's Route Through the Galapagos

Route of the Millennium
Millennium's Route

Chapter 1: Giant Tortoises on Santa CruzIntroduction, The Millenium, Bartholeme, Urbina Bay, and Tagus Cove.
Chapter 2: Fernandina, Vicente Rock, Santiago, and Snorkeling at Rabida.
Chapter 3: Giant Tortoises on Santa Cruz.
Chapter 4: Espanola.

If you have any questions about what you are seeing, or want some further information, feel free to send me a note.

If you are looking for a good tour book I recommend Ecuador & Galapagos published by Insight Guides. Although it covers a lot of Ecuador it has the greatest explaination and photographs of the Galapagos Islands. I bought my copy at Barnes and Nobel Bookseller after I returned.

Remember, you can also follow my story of Why Women Wear Hats in the Market in Peru.

Have a good day, keep coming back.